Increasing your protein intake is good for your metabolism gives you energy, and improves hair and skin health. Protein is …
3 Oatmeal Recipes To Help Lower Cholesterol
First of all, you should know that LDL, also known as bad cholesterol, has two causes: poor nutrition and genetic …
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How To Make Almond Milk
Almond milk contains a large number of useful fats, amino acids, and fiber. All these essential substances help to lose …
Protein Food That Should Be In Your Ration
Usually, when people are advised to add protein-rich foods to their diet, most people immediately think of red meat. In …
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Foods You Can Eat Before Bedtime
If, closer to the night, hunger wakes up in you, which, contrary to common sense and diet, drives you to …
Eating Vegetarian and Vegan During Pregnancy
1. Protein for fetal development Vegans and vegetarians who expect a child should ensure that their diet is rich in …
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The 10 Best Foods Highest in Magnesium
Magnesium is an element that participates in many enzymatic reactions in the human body. It is therefore necessary for proper …
Health Benefits of Pistachios
The fruit of the pistachio tree is a seed of oval shape with a hard shell. The tree itself is …
Why Do We Feel Sleepy After Eating A Meal?
Surely you have often noticed that after a meal, from time to time, very much I want to sleep. Many …
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Fresh Fruit Salad Recipe
It is impossible to keep silent about the fruits of the diet while dieting. For example, fruits such as: apple, …